Abandon All Fear

What nobody else seems to be saying…

Archive for August 1st, 2007


Posted by Lex Fear on August 1, 2007

So I’ve successfully transferred the blog over to WordPress. The design is one of the custom templates from wordpress gallery, but no less effective. Hopefully this will give me greater motivation to get to grips with php and make my own customisations.

This is also a special post because it’s number 100! I’m still writing for DYL, however you can read the whole backlog for DSotL here. Also, why not join and write for the Dark Side?

Posted in Dark Side of the Light | Leave a Comment »

Survival of the Fattest

Posted by Lex Fear on August 1, 2007

The Independent reports new research that abusing overweight people may actually be an evolutionary survival response.

“Researchers say the immune system can be triggered into action at the sight of obesity because it doesn’t like the look of what it sees, and associates it with infection.

Just as it orchestrates attacks on viruses and bacteria and triggers nausea at the hint of bad food, so it sends out signals of disgust in some people at the sight of an obese body that is designed to encourage avoidance and survival.” The Independent: Why Slim People Dislike The Overweight

Wow, so bullying is actually a survival tactic? Odd survival tactic if the target is actually bigger than they are. Wouldn’t the evolutionary response be to avoid an animal that is bigger than you are? How does that survival tactic fare when the bully picks on someone who can quite literally flatten them? I remember some fat kids at my school growing up who you wouldn’t want to mess with.

Of course, if bullying survival is so important, why do we put so much effort into trying to prevent it. Why do we prosecute young people for simply doing what comes naturally? Same goes for underage reproductive sex, I don’t understand at all why the education establishment would want to prevent evolution?!

Of course it could all be entirely cultural or flawed science, but then, that wouldn’t fit with what they want to believe.

Body Image Timeline
In Praise of Big Women
One Woman, Many Cultures
The Fat Organ
Body Image and the Media

Uh Oh! My memes are warring.. Zing, zing, ouch! Which meme do I believe?

Posted in Duh!, Religion & Science, Warring Memes | 5 Comments »