Abandon All Fear

What nobody else seems to be saying…

[Churchianity] Get Angry

Posted by Lex Fear on October 24, 2009

Gary Ward quotes David Frost from 10 Ways Angry People Change The World:

“I read this article and thought it was a great answer to people who swerve biblical truth by calling you angry and all the other things used to remain in a place of unswerving arrogance…

…It’s angry people who change the world. Comfortable, satisfied, stuck-in-a-rut, trying-to-protect-my-turf people don’t change the world. They nurse the status quo, which I’ve heard is Latin for the mess we’re in.”

3 Responses to “[Churchianity] Get Angry”

  1. Isn’t “comfortable, satisfied, stuck-in-a-rut, trying-to-protect-my-turf people” a perfect description of pew occupants?

  2. Lex Fear said

    Sadly, maybe true. Gary Ward is part of a house church movement. There are those of us that hope for change, and there of those who are taking action to become the change. Usually it just leads to new movements and death of the old (not a bad thing), but I think in a sense God is always moving, and it’s up to us to make sure we don’t stagnate.

  3. Now when I’m looking for a “new movement”

    I eat a box of prunes. 😉

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