Abandon All Fear

What nobody else seems to be saying…

Posts Tagged ‘resolutions’

[Metablog] Resolutions

Posted by Lex Fear on January 21, 2009

I hope you like the new colour scheme, it’s one of the best from a limited choice, I miss the red and black but I thought this resembled it somewhat in a grey/black way.

I’ve been having some problems accessing the site, particularly in resolving the domain name, but I’m not sure if this is my ISP or whether it’s an issue with the transfer. Hopefully it will settle down.

As is customary this time of year, and since this is a new starting point for the blog, I thought I should make some new resolutions and share them with the faithful.

  1. Turn long comments into a blog post. I have a bad habbit of going into a dissertation sometimes when I’m leaving a comment – and I’ve had the odd complaint. But whats more I’m depriving my own blog of valuable Fearisms. Just as long as I don’t come off as a cyberstalker then I should be alright.
  2. No sacred cows. Well, I tend to abide by this rule anyway, but as long as someone doesn’t make an asshat of themselves, I’m happy to have disagreement, dissent and mocking.
  3. No more reinventions. Well, maybe. It’s just hard for me to stick to one topic or character for so long. I think I’ve done alright with ‘Lex Fear.
  4. Say more with less. Ties in with the 1st resolution. Never write a debunking article when a good sardonic quip will do.
  5. Do reviews. I’ve been hopeless at this in the past and will probably continue to do so, but I know I want to include reviews of things I’m reading and watching.
  6. Get into a routine. This has to be my number one downfall and is the reason this blog is so sporadic. If I can just nail the routine everything else falls into place.
  7. Sort out the back catalogue. A lot of internal links are broken, colours and images are out of contrast, so I’m going to go through the past 4 years posts and try to update and tidy them up so they fit the theme of the rest of the blog.
  8. Relax a little. I think, for the last 4 years I’ve been tightly wound and found myself slowly unwinding. Maybe it’s age, maturity, being able to confront my demons or simply tired of the war. maybe all of the above, but it’s time to enjoy blogging.
  9. Introduce a new writer. Yep, that’s right, a new writer will be joining me shortly on Abandon All Fear, but I’m going to let him do introductions.

Peace, for now.

Posted in Metablog | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »

[Resolutions] Foolish Words

Posted by Lex Fear on May 16, 2007

This is a sidestep from my usual rant.

This new year I made 1 resolution. My resolution could be viewed as foolhardy, unwise and uninformed. It felt that way anyway. Even as the words left my lips, I felt uncomfortable and had no way of backing it up. Nevertheless the words had passed into the air, and were out there. They were verbal deeds. My declaration?

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Anecdotes, Civil Disobedience, Dark Side of the Light, Justice & Mercy, Morals & Ethics, Non-Compliance, Takeback, The Purpose Missing Church, Wealth Creation | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »